Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saturday Reminder: Skulls & Skeletons

We're back today with a bit more eye candy to inspire you to play along with our current challenge theme:

Skulls & Skeletons

Our sponsor this week is:

Enjoy the eye candy!


Thanks for stopping by - scroll down to link up below by Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. EST.  Peace.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wicked Wednesday #64: Skulls & Skeletons

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of year.  I am on vacation, visiting my family and friends back East with my daughter for the next 2 weeks, so please bear with me if it takes me a bit longer than normal to get back to you all.

Soooo - last week's winner is...  Cass! Congrats, Cass! Please contact me at so I can get you hooked up with your prize from last week's sponsor, Redonkulous Designs.

Our top 3 for last week are:
1.) Carla
3.) Joanne
4.) Bonnie
Congrats, everyone!  Please send me an e-mail to if you need the Top 3 badge.  Thanks so much for playing along with us!

Our sponsor this week is:

And our new theme, my nod to the end of the Smeared & Smudged 12 Days of Creepmas, is:

Skulls & Skeletons

Enjoy this eye candy from the Design Team.

Denice used Gothic Bride:

Jenn used Steampunk Sally:

Kim used Skeletal Candle Holder:

Sharon used Bah Humbug Tree:

Thanks again for joining us and we look forward to another fun year full of art and friendship with you all!  Peace. 

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Reminder: I Love Santa

Hi everyone!  We're back with a few more ATC's for our current theme:

I Love Santa!

I want to wish those of you who celebrate it a very merry Christmas!  We'll see you back here on Wednesday with our new challenge.  In the meantime, enjoy the eye candy.



Thanks again for stopping by!  Make sure you take time to breathe and take care of yourself with all the hectic holiday preparations this weekend.  Scroll down or click here to link up by Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. EST.  Peace.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

WW #63: I Love Santa!

Hi everyone!  I wanted to mention real quick that I'm jumping on a plane next week, on Christmas Day as a matter of fact, with my daughter.  We're heading back East to spend 2 weeks in Massachusetts with our friends & family.  I have the next couple of challenges pre-scheduled and I will have limited Internet access while away, but I just wanted to let you know that the winners post might be late and that I might take longer to get back to you all if you need me.  Thanks for understanding!

Anyway - let's get right to the winner of the cute Mushy House Mushroom digi from last week's sponsor, A & T Digital Designs:
 Congrats, Carla! Please send me an e-mail to with "WW Winner" in the subject line, and I'll get you hooked up with your prize!

Our top 3 are:
2.) cass

Congrats, everyone!  If you need the top 3 badge, please send me an e-mail to with "WW Top 3" in the subject line.  Thank you to everyone for playing along!

Our sponsor this week is:

And our new theme is:

I Love Santa!

So let's see what our talented DT has come up with to show how much they love the big, happy guy - cuz let's face it, Santa is pretty lovable.  And at this time of year, especially this year, we can use all the love we can get.




I adore my Design Team.  Each and every one of them have become a good friend to me, and I'm so thankful for them.  I just wanted to mention that.  :)  OK so link up your Santa ATC's below by Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. EST.  Peace.

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sadness & Saturday Reminder: Fairy Houses

I am sorry today's post is late - I have spent the last 24 hours or so consumed by the horrific events that took place in Newtown, Connecticut yesterday. I cannot imagine what that community is going through right now, and my heart just breaks for them all.  I tried to wrap Christmas gifts last night, but I just kept thinking about the parents who lost their little ones yesterday, and my heart wasn't in it at all.  I keep saying "why?" but the "why" doesn't even matter, does it?  If you'd like to send a card or message of support to the school, here is the address:
 Sandy Hook Elementary School
12 Dickenson Drive
Sandy Hook, CT 06482

 The best thing we can all do at a time like this is to love and support each other.  Tell the people you love what they mean to you.  Hug your children a little tighter, and be a little more patient with them.  For that matter, be patient with strangers - remember that you just never know what someone might be going through.  Peace & love to you all.
Here are a couple of Fairy House ATC's for today - 


Thank you for visiting us. Please scroll down or click here to link up by Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. EST.  Peace.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wicked Wednesday #62: Fairy Houses

Hi everyone!  I think we may have broken a record last week with a whopping TWENTY SEVEN (27) entries!  I know you all loved our sponsor and I was actually excited to do the thing this week, but actually wishing you could ALL win!  But alas, the lucky girl who wins the $30.00 Stampotique gift certificate is....
Congrats, Donna Mundinger!!!   Send me an e-mail to and I'll get you hooked up with your prize!

Our top 3 for last week are:

 9.) butterfly
15.) Tabbatha S.
26.) dawn louise

Congrats, everyone!  Send me an e-mail to and I'll send along the Top 3 badge to you.  We sure hope you'll play along with us again!

Our new theme for this week is:

Fairy Houses

Our sponsor this week is:
The prize this week is the same image that the DT is playing with, called Mushy House Mushroom.  Here's what we all came up with for our fairy house ATC's!



We'd love to see you get creative with ideas for fairy houses - and make sure you come back Saturday for some more inspiration!  Link up below by Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. EST.  Peace.

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saturday Reminder: Wing It!

Hi there everyone - we have a reminder post for you today for our current challenge theme:

Wing It!

Our sponsor this week is the unique and fabulous:

One random winner this week will receive a $30 gift certificate to the Stampotique store!  So let's see what our DT has for us today.


Thanks for joining us again today!  Click here or scroll down below to link up by Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. EST.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wicked Wednesday #61: Wing It

Hi there everyone - let's get right to announcing last week's winner:
Congratulations, Bonnie Irvine!  Please contact me at so I can get you hooked up with your prize from last week's sponsor, Stitchy Bear Stamps.

Our top 3 for last week are:

4.) Cass
7.) KristyLee
8.) Vicki M.
Congrats, everyone!  Please send me an e-mail to if you need the Top 3 badge.  Thanks so much for playing along with us!

Our sponsor this week, generously offering a $30.00 gift certificate to their store to our random winner, is:

And our new theme is:

Wing It!

Please design an ATC that includes some type of wings - I just cannot wait to see what you all come up with!

We have a TON of eye candy for you today, including art from the Stampotique Design Team as well as our Design Team!  Wicked Wednesday Designers are up first.







Stampotique Designers are up next - thank you so much for joining us, ladies!  We really appreciate you sharing your talent with us!

















Holy cow - can you believe how much talent is in this post?!?  You've got to be inspired to play along with us by now, right?  :)  Link up below by Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. EST and have a great week!  Peace.

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