Good morning, friends. As most of you know, I'm from Massachusetts. It's a small state and if you're from MA, you're from Boston. The bombings on Monday at the Boston Marathon hit me hard, harder than these things normally do. Which is hard. And it's sad that I actually have a standard by which to judge this. *sigh* Anyway, my daughter (who turns 18 next week) is in Massachusetts with my family. It's been a tough couple of days, and I just wanted to say that my thoughts are with everyone in my home state and throughout the entire country. One of the things I wanted to mention that really touched me was the Yankees moment of silence and playing our "Sweet Caroline" at the end of the 3rd inning last night. I say "our" but of course I mean Neil Diamond's song. That's our song - the Red Sox song. It really touched me that our ultimate rivals did that. Damn Yankees, making me like sorta kinda not hate them. ;) Then I saw a Chicago newspaper printed this on the front page Tuesday morning:

It just.... it feels personal. Like they reached out to give me a hug. I don't know if that sounds stupid, but it's true. Thank you, New York & Chicago. Thank you to everyone who sent out prayers and thoughts. Please keep doing that, pray for peace and healing. For the victims, friends & family, for our nation.
Last week we were sponsored by DRS Designs, and our random winner of a $15.00 gift certificate to their online store is:
everyone! Please send an e-mail to me at with "WW
Top 3" in the subject line, and I'll send along your Top 3 badge.
Thanks so much for playing with us!
Our sponsor this week, offering a $10 certificate to their online store, is:
And our new theme is:
Black and White and One Other Color
(skin/hair/eye color OK)
Enjoy the inspiration from our fabulous Design Team.
Remember to link up your ATC by Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. EST. Peace.