
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

WW #63: I Love Santa!

Hi everyone!  I wanted to mention real quick that I'm jumping on a plane next week, on Christmas Day as a matter of fact, with my daughter.  We're heading back East to spend 2 weeks in Massachusetts with our friends & family.  I have the next couple of challenges pre-scheduled and I will have limited Internet access while away, but I just wanted to let you know that the winners post might be late and that I might take longer to get back to you all if you need me.  Thanks for understanding!

Anyway - let's get right to the winner of the cute Mushy House Mushroom digi from last week's sponsor, A & T Digital Designs:
 Congrats, Carla! Please send me an e-mail to with "WW Winner" in the subject line, and I'll get you hooked up with your prize!

Our top 3 are:
2.) cass

Congrats, everyone!  If you need the top 3 badge, please send me an e-mail to with "WW Top 3" in the subject line.  Thank you to everyone for playing along!

Our sponsor this week is:

And our new theme is:

I Love Santa!

So let's see what our talented DT has come up with to show how much they love the big, happy guy - cuz let's face it, Santa is pretty lovable.  And at this time of year, especially this year, we can use all the love we can get.




I adore my Design Team.  Each and every one of them have become a good friend to me, and I'm so thankful for them.  I just wanted to mention that.  :)  OK so link up your Santa ATC's below by Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. EST.  Peace.


  1. Thank you once more for my top 3 slot. I want to wish you Jenn and all your team the very happiest Xmas ever xxx

  2. Thank you once more for my top 3 slot. I want to wish you Jenn and all your team the very happiest Xmas ever xxx

  3. Oh WOW! These are all just adorable! Love the digi and how you all showcased it so wonderfully. xxD

  4. Thanks so much for making my day with the top 3 pick. I'm absolutely lovin' the DT designs this week. They are so fun and show the versatility of this image. Well done! Have a great holiday, Jenn! Merry Christmas to the entire WW team.

  5. wohoohho thanks so much! I love this challenge blog and all the fabby DT creations as well as the other participants who share their talent! Happy Holidays!

  6. Congrats to Carla on her win. What a great theme for this Week. Loved doing it.
